Monday, August 31, 2009

Good-bye, for now, to favorite food

This is a photo of me and one of my most favorite foods, a hot dog.

Not just any hot dog. A Texas Weiner. There is a rich history behind this tasty treat.

My good friend Charlotte Fiorito shot this photo on July 27, my birthday. I turned 44. That day, I also said good-bye to to hot dogs in an effort to save my life.

Hot dogs are loaded with fat and sodium. I am taking prednisone to reduce symptoms of heart and lung sarcoidosis. A major side effect of prednisone is weight gain through the retention of water and sodium. It is difficult to say good-bye to the foods you love when you are on prednisone because another prednisone side effect is insatiable hunger. Prednisone patients are ravenous 24-7.

The last time I had hot dogs was July 27. I ate a Texas Weiner with Charlotte while we were on a remember-back-when tour of Plainfield, N.J. That Weiner touched off a craving. I had to have more hot dogs. Later that night (or early morning July 28?) while my folks were asleep, I raided the basement freezer for more.

“This is crazy. I really should not be eating this,” I thought to myself as I nuked the dogs, pulled the relish out the fridge and got the rolls ready. “This is crazy,” I said as I slathered the buns with mustard and relish, put the dogs on and “This is crazy…”

Can’t think full mouth…

After eating those dogs, my lower legs swelled so badly I had to lie down and prop up my feet to reduce the swelling. I was actually afraid to check my blood pressure. It would have been too depressing. If I stand a chance of beating this disease and controlling the prednisone side effects, I thought to myself, I have to rein in this appetite no matter what.

Diet and exercise became the goal. I’ve been walking with my dad and lifting weights every day at least five days a week. I walk a few miles every day and lift weights five days a week.

I won’t weigh myself just yet. I have an important doctor’s appointment on Sept. 8. They can weigh me then. Last time I was weighed was three weeks ago and I was 306. I am now trying to gauge success by how my clothes fit. They are getting loose, which is a good sign. I also gauge success by blood pressure reading results. When I moved home, my readings were in the 150s/90s range, with a new in the 170s/110 (that was at wake up…sleep apnea)…Now the readings are in the low 130s/80s, with a couple in the 120s/70s range. The readings are much closer to the 125/85 my doctors want me to maintain.

(This photo shot on Aug. 20, 3-1/2 weeks into working out. Shirt, pants are no longer tight!) I’m feeling better. I am moving better. I assume I am losing weight. We will see on Sept. 8.

It’s tough to say no to hot dogs. We as a nation consume billions of them. They will be front and center at the majority of cookouts this Labor Day weekend. How can one resist. The key, for me, is moderation. I have not had one in more than a month now. I can do one. It will not kill me. After that, the only dog in my life is Tobie, my parent's beloved golden Labrador.

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  1. That hot dog looks like it is topped with hair instead of chili. Uk.

  2. Ha, ha....! No, that is chili, onions, gold mustard....I love Texas Weiners, but they pale by comparison to a Chicago-style hot dog!

  3. It is great to see someone take charge of themselves, I know what you are going through with the prednisone, I take 40 mg a day and will never be able to come off it ,
    I have stage 4 sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis
    I hope all is well and your sticking with your plan
    Ps. I'm going to use your tip ,,,not weigh myself for 3 months at a time
    Kurt. Nj

  4. It is great to see someone take charge of themselves, I know what you are going through with the prednisone, I take 40 mg a day and will never be able to come off it ,
    I have stage 4 sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis
    I hope all is well and your sticking with your plan
    Ps. I'm going to use your tip ,,,not weigh myself for 3 months at a time
    Kurt. Nj

  5. It is great to see someone take charge of themselves, I know what you are going through with the prednisone, I take 40 mg a day and will never be able to come off it ,
    I have stage 4 sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis
    I hope all is well and your sticking with your plan
    Ps. I'm going to use your tip ,,,not weigh myself for 3 months at a time
    Kurt. Nj

  6. It is great to see someone take charge of themselves, I know what you are going through with the prednisone, I take 40 mg a day and will never be able to come off it ,
    I have stage 4 sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis
    I hope all is well and your sticking with your plan
    Ps. I'm going to use your tip ,,,not weigh myself for 3 months at a time
    Kurt. Nj

  7. It is great to see someone take charge of themselves, I know what you are going through with the prednisone, I take 40 mg a day and will never be able to come off it ,
    I have stage 4 sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis
    I hope all is well and your sticking with your plan
    Ps. I'm going to use your tip ,,,not weigh myself for 3 months at a time
    Kurt. Nj
